A significant number of entities that carry out activities and render services while their main goal is not to obtain a profit are registered in our data customer files.
It has become consolidated in such a sector and is presently in a leadership position either in Auditing as well as in Consulting as a result of its wide experience and high level of specialization.
Co-operating since its beginning as a company supplying services on counselling and providing support on the different levels of the economic and financial management.
Our active participation at the international net of auditors and consultors since almost our origin has given us the opportunity to create a powerful team of professionals.
Faura-Casas collaborates with companies consolidated within the tourism sector providing the knowledge necessary for the qualitative increase in the sector.
Faura-Casas collaborates for continuous operation with posicionades companies in this sector, offering a stable and consolidated service due to our experience.
We understand the importance of this sector in the economy, involving ourselves within this sector and collaborating with service companies offering our knowledge.
Faura-Casas is well aware of the importance of this sector in our territory, and we are very present in industrial enterprises.